The Science Behind Magnesium L-Threonate and Brain Health

The Science Behind Magnesium L-Threonate and Brain Health

The brain is the command center that governs emotions, memory, movement, and every body function. Keeping the brain healthy helps to balance most body functions and processes. As we age, the brain shrinks, sharply affecting cognition and the ability to perform basic to advanced functions. 

Brain health should be the priority to benefit from the best overall health and longevity. With a conscious choice of lifestyle, exercise, diet, and rest, along with proven supplements like magnesium L-threonate, you can maintain your brain's optimal health for longer. 

Thanks to increased stress levels, our brain is vulnerable to multiple chronic diseases. Studies have shown that supplements like magnesium L-threonate have been increasingly effective in preventing and reversing brain aging!

Magnesium Brain Health

Magnesium is a factor that helps regulate different biochemical reactions in humans. This includes regulation of the nervous system, muscles, and blood pressure, among others. Around 60% of your body's magnesium is in the bones, so magnesium is important for the bones and every cell in your body. 

Crucial to producing serotonin, magnesium also regulates mood, brain function, memory, and learning. Another crucial function of magnesium is the brain's neurotransmitter signaling, synaptic plasticity, and overall cognitive function. 

Magnesium deficiency has been linked to cognitive impairment. People with magnesium deficiency may experience frequent muscle cramps, headaches, and related chronic diseases like heart problems and diabetes. Magnesium is required to produce melatonin, which regulates our sleep cycles.

What is Magnesium L-threonate?

Magnesium L-threonate is a synthesized form of magnesium that can help boost magnesium levels in the brain. Magnesium L-threonate was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Studies on animals have shown that magnesium L-threonate reduces brain cell death and preserves cognitive function. Magnesium L-threonate has gained attention for its unique properties in promoting brain health. 

The health supplement can be used to restore magnesium levels to normal. It has also been shown to increase the immune system's antiviral and anti-tumor cytotoxic effects, making it an effective nutritional supplement in aiding the body's ability to fight diseases.

How Magnesium L-Threonate Improves Brain Health

Magnesium L-threonate for brain health

Magnesium L-threonate is known for its rapid absorption and ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. This is an important breakthrough because the blood-brain barrier is a membrane that allows only certain substances to access the brain from the bloodstream. Magtein Magnesium L-threonate has proven to be effective in supporting brain health by reaching the brain cells.

Studies performed on rats show that, compared to other magnesium forms like chloride, citrate, glycinate, and gluconate, magnesium L-threonate can be better absorbed by the body and has even demonstrated higher retention. Magnesium L-threonate reverses brain aging by more than nine years in higher-aged adults with cognitive impairment.

A significant report suggests that magnesium L-threonate, when administered to rats, elevates 7% to 15% of the initial magnesium concentration in the first 24 days. This helps memory recovery in elderly rats, showing magnesium threonate health benefits.Improving synaptic density and plasticity is vital to boost the brain's cognitive function and memory. 

Magnesium L-threonate is turning out to be the ideal synthesized mineral to positively affect the brain's most vital function, which is to improve the mind and body's health. Magnesium L-threonate helps patients suffering from anxiety and stress issues by steadily lowering the heightened levels. Further studies and research are required to determine if the supplement can effectively treat neurological disorders, but the studies have given positive signs.

Magnesium Threonate Uses And Proven Results

To understand "is magnesium good for brain", a study was conducted on 109 healthy adults aged 18 to 65. For 30 days, the group was given two grams of magnesium L-Threonate daily. The study noted memory improvement in the group that took the supplement compared to those who took a placebo pill. This was most noticeable for the higher-aged adults.

Another study evaluated the effectiveness of magnesium L-Threonate in reducing pain for cancer patients on opioids. Among the group, some were given magnesium L-Threonate, while others had a placebo. At the end of 30 to 90 days, the group was evaluated on requiring morphine to reduce pain. 

The researchers noted that magnesium L-threonate may have helped with causing a pain-reducing effect on the brain, which was proved by the fact the patients opted for a lesser amount of morphine. Another follow-on effect on cancer patients taking magnesium L-Threonate was that they shared relief from constipation due to the opioids. With this study, researchers learned magnesium L-Threonate could be helpful in pain relief and preventing constipation. 

A limited clinical trial was performed to evaluate magnesium L-threonate's effect on Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder patients. 15 adults who have ADHD took magnesium L-threonate supplementation for 12 weeks. The study showed that the supplementation improved ADHD symptomatology and executive functioning.

What is the Right Proportion of Magnesium L-Threonate to Intake?

Before deciding to take magnesium L-Threonate, it's important to seek medical advice on the right dosage required to restore the magnesium levels in your body or treat a condition. A professional will evaluate your dosage and timing of taking the supplement and suggest the form of magnesium L-Threonate best suited for you.

Magnesium L-Threonate typically comes in capsules, tablets, and powder form. Follow your doctor's advice or the product manufacturer's instructions. You may need to take magnesium L-Threonate split during the day as per your dosage. Taking the tablets correctly is vital; always have each dose with a full glass of water and preferably with a meal. This can reduce the chances of a stomach upset or diarrhea. 

It's advisable not to crush or chew extended-release or delayed-release/enteric-coated capsules or tablets. Since these are meant to allow the drug to enter the body slowly, immediately crushing the tablets may release the entire drug, leading to undesirable effects. The same advice applies to chewable magnesium L-Threonate tablets or supplements.

When treating magnesium deficiency or a health condition, doctors follow the recommended dietary allowances and ensure adequate intake of magnesium supplements. 

Recommended Daily Intake of Magnesium

The recommended daily intake of magnesium varies based on age and gender. For infants aged 0-6 months, the recommended intake is 30 mg. From 7-12 months, it increases to 75 mg. 

For ages 1-3 years, 80 mg is the limit, and for children aged 4-8 years, it's 130 mg. As children grow, their magnesium needs increase. From 9 to 13 years, boys require 240 mg, while girls need 360 mg. 

During adolescence, from 14 to 18 years, boys may need 410 mg, while girls require 360 mg. Pregnant teenagers should aim for 400 mg, and lactating teens should aim for 360 mg.

For adults, the recommended daily intake varies. For males of 19-30 years, it's 400 mg, while for females, it's 310 mg. Pregnant women in this age group should aim for 350 mg, and lactating women should aim for 310 mg. From 31-50 years, males should try to have 420 mg of magnesium, while females should aim for 320 mg. 

Pregnant women in this age group should aim for 360 mg, and lactating women should aim for 320 mg. The recommended magnesium intake for adults aged 51 and older is 420 mg for males and 320 mg for females.

Side effects

If you're taking magnesium from dietary sources, it's fine to have it even in high amounts. However, too much magnesium in the blood from supplements can cause serious side effects. Magnesium supplements are also considered safe when taken appropriately according to the body's needs.


Magnesium supplements like magnesium L-threonate have proven to positively affect brain function by increasing the density of synapses. By preventing the loss of synaptic density in the brain, magnesium L-threonate can slow down brain shrinkage associated with age and specific health conditions. 

Staying within the safe range of your dosage and regularly taking magnesium L-threonate can benefit your brain health by enhancing plasticity and preserving active brain functioning.